Our Services
What We Provide

Pick and Pack Fulfillment
To ensure an efficient and effective pick and pack service for our customers, we spend the time upfront to fully understand their requirements. We walk the process from the time the goods are received to the time they reach the end customer. We also learn about our customer’s customers so we can ensure a great experience from start to finish. We recognize that our customers won’t be happy unless we take care of their customers.
Logistic Services
A sure way to lose customers is to screw up on the shipping. We measure our performance with key performance indicators. Our performance is top notch, but occasionally there is a bad order. For every bad order, we conduct a root cause analysis and change the process if necessary. We will also cover the cost of expediting the shipment if necessary. Terraboost has a full service transportation division, so we can ship your product anywhere in the world and in any mode.
For every complex function, we develop process flows, so our team knows exactly what to do.